Homemade Nova Ornamental Turner

Some years ago Teknatool made an ornamental turning attachment for the Nova DVR lathe. Only a small number were made and it is no longer available, and those that come up for sale occasionally are in the USA and very expensive. I decided to have a go at making one using a MT2 boring head from a metal lathe with some parts that I had lying around.
This is the result of what I made, unfortunately not as successful as I had hoped. With the chuck mounted in the banjo it is not rigid enough, this may be down to the small contact patch or as a friend said the design is just not rigid enough. I am going to see about an alternative mounting for the cross slide direct to the bed or I may completely replace the cross slide with the heavy duty one from my Rose Engine and just swap it back and forth.
The photos show it mounted on my DVR, and then the other too are the retainer for the bring head. Just a piece of 10mm threaded rod with a 3D printed knob and machined spacer.