Boxwood ornamental box

I made this box for the monthly challenge on WoodTurningZoom, the theme was “something for someone else so an item made to make someone smile it must be made for someone and given to them as a gift”. I made this box for Ruth Bray, the wife of a friend, I gave a similar box to Steve Kearvell for his charity Makers Auction last year. Ruth was the under bidder at the auction as the box went to someone in the USA with deeper pockets.

This box is 60mm tall and 45mm in diameter. The basket weave pattern was made on my Rose Engine lathe using a 16 bump rosette. The top lid of the box was decorated using a flower rosette and the inside of the lid was decorated using a 4 bump large amplitude rosette to create a 4 petal design. The base of the box has a simple phased zigzag pattern using an 18 bump phased rosette. The box lid has a red Cubic Zirconia stone on the top and on the inside. The box is finished with multiple coats of gloss lacquer.

This is a video of the making of this box on the Rose Engine is below.
